Whatever Happened to Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion?

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Chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion are all procedures used to improve the texture and appearance of the skin, and they can be offered at varying levels of strength, from very intense to mild.

Dermabrasion and the less effective aesthetic procedure inspired by it, microdermabrasion, were popular 10 or 20 years ago, and some people still seek them out. However, L&P Aesthetics has chosen not to offer them on our skincare menu at The IO Clinic, in favor of more reliable, technologically advanced alternatives.

Dr. Lieberman and Dr. Parikh believe that it’s easier to control the strength and skin effects of chemical peels and laser resurfacing, making them less invasive and less risky than dermabrasion.

Abrasion vs. Chemistry

Dermabrasion involves using a rotating tool to “sand down” the top layers of skin, revealing new, smoother skin underneath. It is typically used to treat deeper wrinkles and scars, and is usually performed under local anesthesia.

One reason why chemical peels may be safer than dermabrasion is that they are less aggressive in removing the top layers of skin. Chemical peels use a chemical solution to cause the top layers of skin to peel off, instead of an abrasive rotating tool to physically sand them down. This can make chemical peels less traumatic for the skin, and may result in fewer side effects and a shorter recovery time.

Another reason why chemical peels may be safer and more convenient than dermabrasion is that they are usually performed on an outpatient basis, typically without anesthesia, while dermabrasion is typically performed in a hospital or surgery center under local or general anesthesia.

Dermabrasion vs. Microdermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a medical procedure that can be indicated for some serious skin issues.

Microdermabrasion, on the other hand, involves using a handheld device to spray fine crystals onto the skin, which remove the top layers of skin through a process of exfoliation. It is typically used to treat more superficial skin concerns, such as uneven skin tone, fine lines, and mild acne scarring, and is usually performed on an outpatient basis or at skincare clinics or spas without the need for anesthesia.

We’ve chosen not to offer microdermabrasion at L&P Aesthetics in Palo Alto or Los Gatos, or The IO Clinic because we believe other treatments – like peels or lasers – produce more consistent, with less risk of side effects like micropigmentation or microscopic scarring that can undermine skin texture over time.

The DiamondGlow Facial Is “Today’s Microdermabrasion”

Finally, we’ve arrived at the Diamond Glow™, the most advanced “abrasion-based” resurfacing technique that does not require anesthesia, does not break the skin, penetrates the deeper layers of the dermis and infuses it with serums to encourage cell-regeneration.

The Diamond Glow uses a controlled pressure to vacuum the skin into a chamber where an exfoliating diamond head gently buffs the skin and removes dead skin cells, pigmentation, oils and other impurities. At that same moment, the skin is infused with a serum which penetrates deep into the skin and a suction pulls away all of the unwanted debris.

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